Synonyms: "1,2-epoxybutane", "2-ethyloxirane", "1,2-butylene oxide", "ethyloxirane", "1,2-butene oxide", "1-butene oxide", "ethylethylene oxide", "epoxybutane", "1-butylene oxide", "1,2-monoepoxybutane", "n-butene-1,2-oxide", "alpha-butylene oxide", "butene oxide", "DL-1,2-epoxybutane", "1,2-butyleneoxide", "ethyl ethylene oxide", "2-ethyl-oxirane", "but-1-ene oxide".
Source: 1,2-Epoxybutane is widely used as a stabilizer for chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents. It is also used as a chemical intermediate for the production of butylene glycols and theirderivatives, butanolamines, surface-active agents and other products, such as gasoline additives
IUPAC Name: 2-ethyloxirane
CAS Number: 106-88-7
PubChem ID: 7834
Canonical SMILES: CCC1CO1
Structural Properties:
Molecular Formula: C4H8O
Molecular Weight: 72.107
Pharmacophore Features:
Number of bond donors: 0
Number of bond acceptors: 1
Number of atoms different from hydrogen: 5
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National Toxicology Program. NTP Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of 1, 2-Epoxybutane (CAS No. 106-88-7) in F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (Inhalation Studies). National Toxicology Program technical report series. 1988 Mar,329:1. URL: https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/results/pubs/longterm/ reports/longterm/tr300399/abstracts/tr329/index.html.
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