Synonyms: "vinylbenzene", "styrol", "ethenylbenzene", "phenylethylene", "ethenylbenzene", "phenylethene", "cinnamene", "phenethylene"
Source: styrene is primarily a synthetic chemical that is used extensively in the manufacture of plastics, rubber, and resins.
IUPAC Name: styrene
CAS Number: 100-42-5
PubChem ID: 7501
Canonical SMILES: C=CC1=CC=CC=C1
Structural Properties:
Molecular Formula: C8H8
Molecular Weight: 104.149
Pharmacophore Features:
Number of bond donors: 0
Number of bond acceptors: 0
Number of atoms different from hydrogen: 8
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3D structure (.pdbqt)
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Evidence Supporting This Chemical as an Endocrine Disruptor
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Mutti A, Falzoi M, Romanelli A, Franchini I. 1984. Regional alterations of brain catecholamines by styrene exposure in rabbits. Arch Toxicol 55(3):173-177.
Takao T, Nanamiya W, Nazerloo HP, Asaba K, Hashimoto K. 2000. Possible reproductive toxicity of styrene in peripubertal male mice. Endocr J 47(3):343-347.
Zaidi NF, Agrawal AK, Srivastava SP, Seth PK. 1985. Effect of gestational and neonatal styrene exposure on dopamine receptors. Neurobehavioral Toxicology & Teratology 7(1):23-28.
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