ethylene oxide
Synonyms: "oxirane", "epoxyethane", "oxacyclopropane", "dimethylene oxide", "dihydrooxirene", "amprolene", "anprolene", "anproline", "oxidoethane"
Source: oxirane is used in food processing as a solubiliser, stabiliser, processing aid, wetting agent, surfactant and defoaming agent. It is also used as anti-freeze in production of poly-ethylenes.
IUPAC Name: oxirane
CAS Number: 75-21-8
PubChem ID: 6354
Canonical SMILES: C1CO1
Structural Properties:
Molecular Formula: C2H4O
Molecular Weight: 44.053
Pharmacophore Features:
Number of bond donors: 0
Number of bond acceptors: 1
Number of atoms different from hydrogen: 3
2D structure (.sdf)
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3D structure (.pdbqt)
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Mori K, Kaido M, Fujishiro K, Inoue N. 1989. Testicular toxicity and alterations of glutathione metabolism resulting from chronic inhalation of ethylene oxide in rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 101(2):299-309.
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